Blog - Part 13

13 Plugin WordPress Untuk Optimasi SEO

Bagi anda yang sudah lama terjun dalam dunia blogging, tentunya anda sudah tahu bahwa jumlah blog atau website adalah jutaan. Itu artinya anda mempunyai jutaan saingan untuk memperebutkan posisi terbaik dimata mesin pencari. Untuk itulah pentingnya belajar SEO (search engine optimization). Selama ini saya optimasi SEO secara manual karena saya menggunakan platform blogspot dan gratisan. Namun bagaimana jika menggunakan platform WP (wordpress) ????

Sebagian blogger saya rasa sudah tahu bahwa platform WP lebih bagus dalam hal SEO dari pada blogspot. Kenapa? karena di WP sudah disediakan fitur yang mendukung optimasi blog anda untuk mencapai posisi SERP yang bagus. Namun bukan berarti kita hanya mengandalkan fitur tersebut. Optimasi dengan pencarian backlink juga harus dilakukan. Berikut adalah plugin dari wordpress yang bisa anda pasang untuk membantu optimasi SEO blog anda.

1. All In One SEO Pack

2. SEO Ultimate

3. Automatic SEO Links

4. HeadSpace2

5. Platinum SEO Plugin

6. SEO Blogroll

7. Simple Tags

8. Google XML Sitemaps

9. Meta Robots WordPress plugin

10. Sitemap Generator

11. SEO Title Tag

12. SEO Tag Cloud Widget

13. SEO Post Link

Mengapa Jual Pada dapat Meningkatkan Penjualan Anda Beyond Ebay

Jika Anda menjual di eBay, Anda mungkin sudah tahu bahwa ia telah melakukan pemukulan dari pers dan tubuh yang besar dari penjual online. eBay perubahan dalam kebijakan mereka jual dan biaya telah membuat banyak penjual bersemangat untuk mengeksplorasi online lainnya pasar untuk menjual produk mereka., bagaimanapun, adalah cepat memperoleh reputasi sebagai sebuah platform yang menarik untuk penjual online karena semakin memperoleh pangsa pasar tidak hanya di pasar tradisional buku, DVD, dan CD, tetapi juga elektronik, mainan, dan perhiasan, di antara lusinan kategori produk lain.

Syukurlah, Amazon memungkinkan individu, atau ” pedagang, untuk mengirim persediaan mereka sendiri (dari kategori produk tertentu) untuk dijual di website Amazon. Jadi penjual eBay akan cerdas untuk memeriksa Amazon sebagai saluran penjualan tambahan. Dari catatan, berikut adalah beberapa perbedaan antara menjual di eBay dan penjualan di Amazon.

• eBay biaya biaya daftar, mana gratis untuk seorang pedagang yang disetujui untuk mengirim item di Amazon. Namun, eBay total komisi dan biaya setelah barang Anda menjual secara kasar setara dengan komisi Amazon.

• Kode item Dijual di eBay dapat rumit, yang membutuhkan Anda untuk mengambil gambar item dan seksama menjelaskannya. Daftar item untuk dijual di Amazon dapat dilakukan dengan hanya beberapa keystrokes – gambar item (s) dan deskripsi sudah ditetapkan oleh Amazon. Sebagai pedagang Amazon, Anda hanya menunjukkan kepada pengunjung Amazon bahwa Anda menjual barang tertentu. Ketika seorang pelanggan Amazon dilihat item di Amazon, ia akan dapat melihat bahwa Anda adalah seorang pedagang yang juga menjual item.

• eBay biaya penjual.Tidak biaya daftar tanpa memandang apakah atau tidak menjual item. tidak membebankan biaya biaya atau komisi sampai setelah menjual item. Online penjual membayar komisi kasar persentase yang sama bahwa mereka akan membayar eBay dan Paypal, gabungan.

• eBay memungkinkan Anda menjual barang satu-of-a-kind. Namun, Amazon membatasi kategori produk yang seorang pedagang individu dapat menjual masuk juga, seorang pedagang Amazon individu tidak dapat membuat item di Amazon untuk menjualnya. Pada dasarnya, item pedagang harus sudah ada di database produk Amazon.

• eBay dapat menarik pembeli untuk produk Anda yang mencari harga serendah mungkin. Tapi Amazon pembeli cenderung sedikit lebih ‘kelas atas’, sehingga pedagang Amazon sering dapat perintah titik harga yang lebih tinggi untuk produk mereka.

eBay masih merupakan tempat online hebat, tapi menghasilkan aliran pendapatan yang lebih padat dengan menjual pada adalah mungkin bagi Anda. Semoga sukses!

Trend 2011: Seo e Social Media Marketing

Secondo il report SherpaMarketing sulle previsioni per sull’anno futuro [2011] la Search Engine Optimization [SEO] è considerata per i marketer, la linea strategica ideale per aumentare il traffico al sito, aumentare le vendite, invece i social media vengono considerati altamente performanti per quanto riguarda la brand reputation.

trends: seo smm

10 Best Blogging Applications of iPhone

Everyone knows the importance of iPhone’s nowadays infact people have own them for their personal use through which they enjoy the great adventure of different features in iPhone which includes checking their emails and surfing/browsing over the net on their daily life. But there is another great advantage if you know and i.e a person can easily do blogging with their iPhone.

App Store consist of few good tools/applications which facilitates us to maintain or update our blog via iPhone.

1- WordPress:-

The WordPress app is free and i think probably everyone knows that wordpress is an open source project. This app will permit you to update or manage your wordpress blog directly from iPad or iPhone. With the help of WordPress app you will be able to moderate your comments and you will easily create or edit your blog posts and pages. You just only need to have an iPhone with yourself and your personal blog on either or have self-hosted blog.

wordpress for iphone

2- Tumblr:-

If you are already sign-up to Tumblr then free Tumblr app will be the great tool for you because with Tumblr app you can easily post your photos, quotes and many other things on your tumblelog. You are also capable of posting video and audio directly from iPhone 3GS or later versions. Tumblr Dashboard is built into the app and you can easily search across Tumblr to keep update yourself with everybody.

IBT Tumblr for iPhone

3- iBlogger :-

if you guys are looking for a combine blogging tool for your iPhone which provide you a large variety blogging services/engines then iBlogger app will be the best choice. It is not a free app and it will charge you about $9.99. iBlogger is compatible with MovableType , Drupal, TypePad, WordPress and many other blogging services. You can flexibly create posts, tags, pictures, links, categories and many other things with this app. iBlogger will also facilitate you you blog your current location with just a single touch of button and it will be useful while traveling.

IBT iBlogger for iPhone

4- Joomla Admin Mobile:-

Joomla Admin Mobile is also a useful app which will cost you $9.99 and it is especially useful for Joomla users. Joomla users will capable of maintaining and updating multiple Joomla sites with Joomla Admin Mobile (JAM). The users can easily create, edit, delete and view their Joomla articles, categories, users, menus and sections. With the help of JAM app you will be able to filter your articles and inserting the images into the articles. All you need to do is just load up the app on to your iPhone and on other hand make sure the Joomla 1.5 xml/rpc is installed on each controlled site.

Joomla for iPhone

5- Squarespace:-

Squarespace app is pretty much good app for the users to keep update their blogs and the app will permits you to manage or create the post contents on Squarespace blog, post your images and view your site as well. With the app you can easily manage multiple sites on Squarespace and even you will also capable of creating new fresh account within the app.

Squarespace for iPhone

6- BlogPress:-

BlogPress is an application which will charge you $2.99 and it works with iOS family which supports for different blogging services like MSN, Blogger, TypePad, MovableType, WordPress, Drupal, LiveJournal and Joomla. With the help of BlogPress app you can easily upload videos and blog your location as well. You can easily add multiple images to a blog and will send the same entries on other multiple blogs as well with just a single click. The app is capable of working in a landscape mode for bigger keyboard. BlogPress provides a facility of creating or managing your tags, labels, categories and selectable publish dates. Moreover it will work with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Picasa, and Flickr too.

BlogPress for iPhone

7- altBlogger:-

altBlogger app will charge you $0.99 and an easy to purchase blogging app for your iPhone. You will be able to publish new posts to your blog and it will supports for multiple blogs. With altBlogger app you can manage your tags and labels and easily view the post comments. The drawback which you will find with app is that you cannot edit the published posts and cannot add pictures you your blog. Instead of this if you need a simple publishing tool to then it may be a good working tool for you.

altBlogger for iPhone

8- CoverItLive iPhone :-

CoverItLive iPhone is free to use app which helps journalists, media companies, bloggers to publish their CoverItLive events from iPhone. With the help of this app you can publish the media and comments with up to a minute coverage and it can be suitable for publishing live events. With CoverItLive iPhone app you can easily post audio, photos and videos with built-in Twitter facility. Additionally you can manage the reader comments too.

CoverItLive for iPhone

9- Pen My Blog:-

Pen My Blog is also a free tool for which permits you to create/edit, delete your posts to blogger blog from your iPhone. And if you need to do blogging on but don’t want to pay a single penny for an app then Pen My Blog will be the right choice.

PenMyBlog for iPhone

10- HubPages:-

HubPages is a free to use app which allow you manage HubPages interests. With HubPages app you can post and comments on status updates, Forums, Hubs and many more. You will also be able to approve the comments , get the stats of Hub and also go Hub Hopping to explore and rate the new Hubs.

HubPages for iPhone

All these are the great tools for the busy bloggers which they can use on their iPhone. You have also seen that these bunch of applications supports for many blogging platforms and providing a better blogging solutions. If you can see towards the cost so many applications are free to get and those applications which are charging you the money they range between $0.9 to $10.

Eight SEO Trends you need to take seriously in 2011

SEO is one of those areas of online activity which evolves at a speed faster than the relatively easy-going dog years in which time on the web is measured. The cat-and-mouse game which is the norm between search engine optimizers and website owners has accelerated to the point where time is measured in stoat years (which means the ratio has gone from being 1:7 to being 1:32) and this makes it all the more important to be able to look and plan ahead.
Hopefully, by now, SEO Help, and the detailed practical steps and strategies it gives you are part of your online routine.  But there are still trends you need to keep your eye on and adapt what you are doing to their ever changing importance.
#1 – Personalized search is only going to grow: On the web immediacy and customization spell out addiction which means that personalized search is a trend which will only get bigger and, inevitably, it will have an impact on SEO. Personalization (a Google and BING staple now) basically throws up a virtual ‘fence’ around the end-user which makes it harder to sites which do not have a solid pedigree to break through. This means that search now favors established websites, branded websites and websites which rely on social network recommendations in order to break through.
#2 – It’s a two search engine world: The convergence of the Yahoo/BING search has created a two-tiered world in search engines. Google continues to deliver the lion’s share of search results with a nearly 68% share in the US over June 2010 (according to Comscore) which means that worldwide Google continues to be well over the 80% mark. If you are optimizing your site Google is the one to aim for and since they are the market leader anything which works on them will work equally well (if not better) for the Yahoo/BING combination.
#3 – SEO spend will increase: This is a natural result of both personalized search (see trend #1) and the explosion of social media marketing (see search #4)each of which are taking search away from the automatic semantic web indexing which was the indication at the beginning of 2010 and are now making it an integral part of online marketing and online promotion. This means that unless you are lucky enough to have read and taken heed of SEO Help you really need an expert SEO who will do all the work for you and get your website performing the way it should.
#4 – Social marketing: Unless your website is on Facebook and Twitter and you are getting mentioned and your URL is passed around in the blogosphere, your company brand is (in the eyes of the search engines) going into a decline. This means that in terms of online presence you really need to have a clearly worked out, sustained and sustainable online marketing strategy which is designed to give you the kind of social marketing presence that will help your brand and search engine positioning.
#5 – The impact of the real time web is on the increase: Whether you Twitter or use the Facebook news stream or go in for live messaging the fact remains that real time marketing and even real time ecommerce are beginning to create an impact. From a web development point of view this is the next natural step. The web enamored us light years ago with flashing backgrounds and twinkling stars and has enamored us, every fast-paced year of growth since, with its ability to provide more and more interaction and connectivity. We are no longer content to spend money online, make a purchase and have to wait for a week before the goods arrive, nor do we want to send an email and have to wait three days to get a reply. Unless you have worked the real time web into your marketing you will only be repeating what everyone else is doing right now.
#6 – Twitter is more than just a microblogging site: The instant messaging and retweeting capability offered by Twitter make it perfect as a research and prediction tool. Used properly it can allow you to find out what your competitors are doing and which topics are trending, both vital for the development of a coherent online strategy designed to allow you to actually get somewhere with your website.
#7 – More online queries will result in less traffic for websites: This sounds a little oxymoronic but it’s not. Time continues to be at a premium and online we are driven to do things faster and faster. This is one of the reasons Google and Yahoo/BING try to answer queries straight from the search engine query box, making their sites faster and stickier. The result is that when you create content which answers specific questions succinctly the chances are that that content will answer a query straight out of the search engine query box rather than get visitors to your site. This then puts the pressure on you to create content which is more complicated, delivers real value as opposed to a two-sentence fluff you can get anywhere on the web and which truly engages the online visitor.
#08 – Focus on conversion targets as well as numbers: SEO has always been about building traffic to a website. The new breed of search engine optimizers however aims on building traffic which is far more targeted than before and the conversion rate as well as ROI ought to be higher. This is a trend which will only become more and more important as virtual fences begin to go up and the pool of potential customers you fish in will only get better.
Provided you factor in all this in your online marketing strategy there is no real reason 2011 does not turn out to be a great year for you and your online business.

WordPress Plugin to Increase Alexa Rankings

The wonderful thing about WordPress community is, whatever ideas you can think of, there’s plugin for it. Few months ago I was thinking, how about including before all hyperlinks. This will definitely boost the Alexa ranking, because before content reaches destination, they are sent to Alexa to create awareness.

Today, reading from an entry written by Everton of ConnectedInternet, I found a plugin that allows you to do so. This plugin add automatically to all internal links within your blog. Here’s the authors description on the plugin.

The plugin scans your entire page (header, sidebar and all) and replaces any internal links (links that include your domain, like ‘’ for my site) with the Alexa Redirect link, which simply means it adds: “” to the front of your link url. For Example, in the html:

<a href=””>


<a href=””>

Is this a good idea?

I certainly don’t think so. Although this sounds really promising on boosting Alexa, but will this affects google indexing? How will Google treat links that starts with I’ll leave the question to you. Also, by doing that, I assume Alexa will be your direct referral source on links, this can potentially screwed the accuracy of your statistics readings, especially if you are stats freak like me. I want to know exactly who click from where to where.

I’m not writing to encourage the installation of this plugin, but rather creating awareness of such.

Download Alexa Redirect WordPress Plugin.

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7 Awesome WordPress Plugins To Give Your Dashboard A New Look

If you are a regular user of WordPress like me then you might get bored of the default user interface of WordPress. Although the User Interface of WordPress is good but there is always room for improvement. Automattic the company behind WordPress has decided to go for Open Source Design Contests to make the User Interface of WordPress even better.

Are you ready to give it a try?

Default WordPress Dashboard

In the article we will take a look on some awesome plugins that can alternate the user interface of WordPress to make it more users friendly.

1. Ozh’s Admin Drop Down Menu

Admin Drop down Menu is one of the best WordPress plugins to change the default user interface of WordPress admin area. The plugin replaces all the admin links with super charged and beautiful horizontal CSS drop down menu. The plugin also saves you from unnecessary clicks to expand the menu and enhances your productivity.

Admin Drop Down Dashboard

The plugin comes with a comprehensive options page. You can change the color schemes of drop down menu and to make the plugin faster, you can also disable the supported icons for each admin link.

Admin Drop Down Options

An interesting feature is compact mode which only shows icons for top links and saves space in the drop down menu. The following screen shot elaborates this feature.

Compact Mode

2. Fluency Admin 2.2

Give your WordPress an attractive look with Fluency Admin. The plugin replaces all the admin links with splendid vertical CSS drop down menu. Fluency also adds support of Keyboard shortcuts to your admin links hence enables you to control your WordPress with keyboard only. You can switch between full menu view and icon-only view to save the space of your dashboard area with a single click.

Fluency WordPress Dashboard

Fluency comes bundled with login page theme too which can be enabled from plugin options panel. For custom branding you can also use your own logo at the top of dashboard area and login theme.

Fluency option panel

Fluency Options Menu

Fluency Login Theme

3. Easy Admin Color Schemes

The default WordPress installation comes with two color schemes, grey and blue. This plugin adds two more color schemes for your admin panel. Moreover it also grants you to create your own color schemes. You can also export your custom color scheme to use it on other blogs. Depending upon the settings, each user can have its own customized color scheme. Have a look at the Green color scheme and the plugin’s option panel.

WordPress dashboard green color scheme

WordPress dashboard green color scheme

Easy admin color scheme options

4. Qwerty Admin Panel Theme

Qwerty Admin Panel Theme is a nice looking Admin Panel theme. The permits you to style the admin panel and login screen for all users. The WordPress logos can be swapped the with your own logo images for custom branding.

Qwerty WordPress admin panel theme

Qwerty WordPress admin panel options

A distinct feature of this plugin is ”

Limited Interface

” capability that helps you in hiding different admin panels from different users of your WordPress installation.

Qwerty Login theme

5. Pop Menus for WP-Admin

This simple plugin will be saving you time by creating quick and easy to use pop menus for your WP-Admin sidebar. Popup menus uses jQuery and CSS to popup animated admin-sidebar links. Moreover it makes the admin sidebar sticking with scrollable page that makes it a real time saver with the help of jQuery.

Pop menus WordPress dashboard

Pop-Menus Dashboard

6. Adminimize

Adminimize is a very comprehensive and advanced WordPress plugin that comes with a lot of features to customize your WordPress backend. The plugin has a lot of options to hide unnecessary items from the WordPress administration menu, submenu and even the ‘Dashboard’, with forwarding to the Manage-page. The plugin has more than 50 options to tweak the backend of your WordPress installation. The following screenshot shows the admin option panel of Adminimize.

Adminimize Option Panel

Adminimize Option Panel

7. My Brand

Customizing your WordPress login page can’t be easier than this. Simply install this plugin and with the help of my brand option page you can select the background color or background image for your WordPress login page. You can also upload the custom logo for your login page with the help of my brand. The plugin is very useful for multi-author blogs and user contributed websites.

My Brand Options Page

My Brand Options Panel

If you know more beautiful WordPress dashboard themes or ways to customize the admin panel of WordPress please share them with us.


Judul: 38 Jawaban SEO
Bahasa: Indonesia
Penulis: Edmund Ng & Suwandi Chow
Jumlah halaman: 17
Format ebook: PDF
Harga: Rp. 0,-
Perekomendasi: Admin

Gambar Ebook 38 Jawaban SEO

Perusahaan Riset kelas dunia (Forrester Research) yang cukup bergengsi mengeluarkan FAKTA yang sangat perlu untuk Anda cermati yaitu:

“93% orang menggunakan search engine untuk mencari informasi”

Hasil survey langsung kepada pengguna search engine, ternyata:

”87% pengunjung website datang dari halaman 1”

Artinya jika website Anda tidak muncul di halaman 1 di search engine untuk keyword produk yang Anda jual, maka Anda kehilangan 87% calon prospek yang potensial, dan mereka tidak akan pernah melihat produk Anda walaupun produk tersebut sangat mereka butuhkan.

“75% pengunjung tidak pernah melihat lebih dari halaman 4”

Artinya jika website Anda tidak muncul di 4 halaman awal dari search engine, maka Anda kehilangan 96.75% calon prospek yang masih potensial.

eBook ini adalah hasil interview dari Suwandi Chow yang telah menggali dari Edmund Ng (salah satu pakar SEO kenamaan dunia) tentang berbagai hal penting yang harus Anda ketahui agar website bisa masuk halaman pertama dengan teknik SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Download ebooknya dengan mengklik tombol di bawah ini!

Sumber :

IMFacePlate Jejaring Sosial Baru Untuk Internet Marketer

IMFacePlate Jejaring Sosial Baru Untuk Internet MarketerIMFacePlate atau Internet Marketing “faceplate adalah sebuah media sosial baru dari “Logiscape Technologies Inc.” sebuah perusahaan Internet Marketing yang juga memiliki sebuah situs Traffic Exchange “TrafficEra“.

Konsepannya sederhana saja, It’s All About “Branding”… seperti layaknya seorang Internet Marketing/Pebisnis Online tentu saja anda membutuhkan sebuah Media Sosial yang bisa mewakili “wajah” anda dalam satu/sebuah halaman web, sehingga siapa saja orang yang ingin mengetahui Profil/Biodata anda dengan lengkap maka IMFacePlate lah pilihan paling pas :) .

Apa Kelebihan IMFlateFace

  • Terintegrasi dengan berbagai Social Media terkenal seperti Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, Vimeo, MySpace, Flickr, dll.
  • Memiliki URL web sendiri (custom), contohnya seperti IMfaceplate saya, sehingga lebih mudah diingat
  • Memiliki berbagai modul informatif yang bisa anda pilih dan tambahkan seperti module RSS (Untuk memunculkan postingan-postingan blog/situs pilihan/milik anda secara live), module Cutom List (Memunculkan daftar link-link pilihan/milik anda di widget IMFacePlate anda), module Spotlight (Memunculkan widget Foto/Video Gallery di IMFacePlate anda), dll
  • Terdapat menu “Articles” sebagai media blogging di IMfaceplate, dan hebatnya setiap artikel yang anda buat akan ditampilkan berdasarkan kategori sehingga seluruh member IMfaceplate maupun pengunjung umum dapat membaca artikel-artikel tersebut secara live

    TIPS: Gunakan media Articles ini untuk mempromosikan Link Afiliasi, Referral, Bisnis Online, Blog, dll anda

  • Terdapat menu “opt-in email box” yang bisa diitegrasikan dengan situs Auto Responding milik anda, dan ini benar-benar media Dahsyat!! bagi para Internet Marketers
  • Terdapatnya facepoint atau penilaian berdasarkan keaktifan anda di IMFacePlate ataupun respon orang lain terhadap anda
  • Bisa menjadi Side Income tambahan dari pendapatan Iklan CLICKBANK sebuah situs afiliasi terkenal maupun dari sistem merekrut Referral

Kembangkan Jaringan Bisnis Online anda dengan IMfaceplate

Walaupun situs ini terbilang sangat baru (ketika postingan ini dibuat), namun saya bisa memprediksikan situs ini akan segera menjadi pilihan para pebisnis online di seluruh dunia dan berkembang dengan berbagai fitur/modul barunya, selamat mendaftar di IMFacePlate

Download 3 Ebook SEO Gratis Pemula

Masih Berkenaan dengan postingan bagi-bagi ebook gratis setelah pada artikel blog bisnis online sebelumnya telah membagikan ebook bisnis online maka pada kesempatan yang pendek ini admin kembali lagi membagikan 3 buah ebook seo gratis pemula yang dapat di download dimana terdiri dari 2 versi bahasa yaitu Indonesia dan Inggris.

Ebook seo gratis hanya didedikasikan untuk kalangan pemula seperti saya dan bukan bagi yang sudah jago karena ebook seo di blog bisnis online ini berisi materi atau panduan dasar dalam ilmu seo atau istilah kasarnya berjudul ebooks seo khusus untuk pemula yang ingin belajar seo serta sebagai referensi pengenalan sebelum memulai dan arti dari istilah SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Berikut 3 Ebook SEO Gratis Untuk Pemula yang dapat anda Download :

  1. Ebook SEO Dari Google Bahasa Indonesia
    E-book SEO Ini diberikan langsung oleh google secara gratis dan Ebook ini wajib anda download terutama bagi pemula karena jika anda mengikuti secara benar panduan dasar ini saya yakin ilmu seo anda akan lebih bertambah. (download)
  2. Ebook Belajar SEO Lokal
    Ini adalah ebook seo buatan orang lokal menurut saya cukup baik sebagai referensi tempat belajar seo, materi ebook berisi panduan langkah-langkah memulai seo dengan search engine google dan juga list tools seo. (download)
  3. SEO Basic (English Version)
    Ebook berbahasa inggris dimana saya dapatkan dari internet marketer dan bisnis online Joko Susilo ST sebagai bonus ketika saya mengikuti kontes seo yang beliau selenggarakan. Ebook terdiri dari 30 halaman berisi panduan dasar seo pemula dimana menitik beratkan pada penggunaan keyword yang tepat pada sebuah website/ blog serta menjadikan sebuah backlink agar menjadi berkualitas, dsb. (Download)

3 buah Ebook di atas dapat anda download juga di abung blog seo teman saya tepatnya pada posting berjudul Ebook SEO Gratis Untuk Pemula, so.. tunggu apa lagi silakan download secepatnya sebelum jatah bandwidth dari habis. :) Semoga Bermanfaat.

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