Blog - Part 8

Cara Meningkatkan Trafik Blog Potensial

Tips dan trik meningkatkan trafik blogTraffic Blog? Bagaimana cara mengundang orang lain mengunjungi blog kita secara cepat dan mudah.  Banyak cara meningkatkan kunjungan ke blog secara potensial. Salah satunya adalah dengan blogwaking yaitu mengunjungi blog orang lain dan meninggalkan komentar. Intinya Blogwalking Adalah Salah Satu Cara Meningkatkan Trafik Blog Potensial. Perlu di ingat potensial kunjungan ke blog anda dari blogwalking. Cara lain Meningkatkan Trafik Blog Secara Efektif harus kita lakukan jika ingin blog banyak di kunjungi, dibaca, dan dikomentari maka bertarung di Search Angine adalah cara efektif meningkatkan pengunjung  ke website kita.

Blogwalking harus punya trik sendiri agar kunjungan balik menghampiri blog anda. Inilah tips dan trik menarik pengujung membaca dan berkomentar di blog anda.

  1. biasakan membaca isi blog tetangga sebelum meninggalkan komentar
  2. berikanlah pendapat anda tentang isi blognya
  3. setelah pendapat anda baru ajukan pertanyaan jika diperlukan
  4. jangan meninggalkan komentar tidak berkualitas
  5. komentar yang bernada pesimistis, promosi, dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan artikel yang ditulis akan berarti anda tidak menghargai penulisnya.
  6. berbagilah informasi lain jika di postingannya belum di jelaskan secara rinci jika anda mengetehui
  7. anda bisa menulis tema yang sama dengan blog tetangga tapi mengulas dengan sisi yang berbeda atau menambah informasi dengan men-trackback bisa dilakukan juga.
  8. biasakan ucapkan terima kasih pada pemilik blog atas artikel yang di tulisnya

Jika tips dan trik Meningkatkan Traffic Blog Dengan Blogwalking diatas sudah anda aplikasikan keuntungannya sebagai berikut :

  1. blogwalking tanpa black hate SEO atau trik curang komentar spam tapi white SEO magic
  2. menambah teman ngobrol antar blog
  3. anda telah menambah wawasan dengan membaca blog teman anda.
  4. merupakan bentuk inspirasi anda untuk menulis artikel juga
  5. terakhir tujuannya tentu meningkatkan trafic kunjungan balik dari blog yang anda kunjungi

Sekian dulu tips dan trik Meningkatkan Traffic Blog Dengan Blogwalking ini, semoga menjadi bahan referensi anda ngeblog. Salam Merdeka, Selamat Berpuasa dan Semoga Bermanfaat.

3 Best Advertising Programs for Website Publishers

Online advertising programs produced a website boom on World Wide Web. In a few years time span you might have noticed a massive increase in number of websites on internet. Previously, websites were mostly created to provide information and different services to visitors, but now with the help of advertising programs, like Google Adsense, anyone can manage to make money by having a website. Whether you have a huge web portal or a small blog, you can earn smart income by displaying ads on your website.

These advertisement programs allow different formats of ads to fit on your webpage such as horizontal ads, vertical ads, banners, skyscrapers, image ads, text ads, video ads, ads for feeds, inline ads, ads for domains, ads for mobile, etc in the form of link units, ad units, and search. They pay on different basis like Pay Per Click (PPC), Pay Per Mille (PPM), and Pay Per Action (PPA); with different payment options like Western Union, Cheques, Bank Accounts, PayPal, PayAlert. This post features 3 best advertising programs for website publishers.

Please also consider reading related post: How to Create a Website for Google AdSense

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a free program which allows website owners of all ranges to display relevant ads and make money.

Minimum Payout: 100$

Payment Options: Payment by check, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), Western Union Quick Cash, and Rapida.


AdBrite can facilitate you monetize your website with advertising that fits to the content and visitors of your website.

Minimum Payout: 5$

Payment Options: Payment by checks.


Bidvertiser offers opportunities to make money from your site or Blog and get paid for every click. Just display the BidVertiser text based ads on your site and let advertisers bid against each other.

Minimum Payout: 10$

Payment Options: Payment by checks and PayPal.

The 8 Best Ways to Earn Money With Google Adsense Alternatives

Ok. You’re a blogger. You want to earn money from your website (don’t we all). I realize there are a lot of folks trying to tell you how to make money with Google AdSense (even though most don’t make jack squat), and even though I certainly make a lot more than average from Google AdSense, I actually spent a lot of time researching and testing Google AdSense alternatives in order to see if we could do a little better than simply putting Google ads on our sites.

Below you will find the best Google Adsense alternatives I could find, complete with a little description and a link to the provider, in the hopes of helping you put a little more cash in your pocket.

If you have any first hand experience with these please drop a comment below and let us all know. Especially if you can share some light on actually getting paid by these advertising providers. How long it takes, how much you made, and what your general impression of working with them would be most valuable! Also, please help me spread the word on this particular post since I know it’s something a lot of people are looking for.

1) Free PagePeel Plugin for WordPress

First of all, lets start this post out by explaining that funky little thing we’ve got going on up in the top right corner of the blog here. It’s a Free WordPress Pagepeel plugin called PeelEar. The author provides this plugin for Joomla and Drupal as well, in addition to the standalone script version you can use on a non-CMS based website.

I don’t suppose I really need to tell you what it does, because you can see! Essentially you create a little ad that sits in the corner of the site which is covered up until people decide to hover over it. Then it reveals it’s self. Brilliant! And you can link to anything you want. Feature a page on your site, a welcome video, or an affiliate ad! Whatever you want!


AdBrite, is a top competitor is to Google adsense. If you are looking for inline ads where words on your page become links to ads, AdBrite has got em! They also have interstitial full page ads that you can insert to intercept all of the search engine traffic that is coming to your site.

Oh, and don’t forget that AdBrite can overlay ads on the images on your site, giving you a way to make money off your blog that virtually no other competitor offers.

Bloggers can set their own ad rates, and you can approve or reject every ad or choose to have AdBrite auto accept ads. AdBrite also lets you place a “Your Ad Here” link to sell ads to your visitors, in addition to the AdBrite marketplace and sales teams.

The payouts are competitive and they are more accepting of smaller publishers like bloggers. Commissions are split with the publisher (blogger) getting 75% and AdBrite keeping 25%. Go ahead and give AdBrite a try, though realize that it can take a few days before the ads start being highly targeted. You just have to stick with it, but it’s a great alternative to Google AdSense.


Over 750 successful bloggers use to power their online ad sales, and these ads are very different from all of the other providers listed. With BSA, you set a price for different ad positions on your site and basically auction off the spaces to anyone willing to pay your asking price to put them there.

You can set it up so that you have different sizes, different pages on your blog to sell, etc. And one of the most valuable things is having the ability to search the available inventory of ads and see what is selling and for how much before you start setting your own prices.


Clicksor is one of Google Adsense’s best alternatives. They pay up to 85% commissions, making them one of the top advertising payouts on the Internet. This is especially impressive since Clicksor offers context sensitive ads just like Google Adsense. Context sensitive ads show visitors ads that are related to the content on the page they are reading, which makes for a better fit.

Clicksor offers 15 day payouts on advertising on your blog and they offer text, image and multimedia ads for your website or blog. They also have:

  • Flash Ads
  • Animation Ads
  • Banners
  • Pop unders
  • Interstitial Ads
  • Text highlighting Ads

The only bad news is that when you sign up for Clicksor it takes a day or so for you to get approved and be able to start inserting code. But given the high payouts and the wide range of ad options available, I think it’s worth waiting to get in and see how these ads do on your blog.

Go ahead and sign up and give them a try.


I really like the way Chitika (pronounced CHIH-tih-ka) encourages users to hide ads from normal visitors while showering search visitors with them. This is right in line with my philosophy, and if you want to actually see them here on my blog just go to Google and do a search for “lady gaga writhing”. I should be the first one. Follow the link to my site and look in the top right above the Woopra and Pretty Link Pro ads. You should now see a Chitika ad.

Chitika takes a different approach from the others and show targeted products from different manufacturers on your blog. If you write an article, you’ll see related and competitive links, and if people purchase these products you get a paid a commission. I’ve attached a screen shot of the earnings from the first three days after placing just that one tiny little link. As you can see, I’m getting paid $.05-.10 per click, which I suppose isn’t really that bad just to get started, though it will need to improve over time.

Chitika allows you to display targeted products based on what people searched for to get to your page and you get paid for clicks. It provides a robust comparative shopping experience for your visitors. Visitors will love the interactive search code — and it makes you money

Click here to give Chitika a try now.

Get Chitika | Premium

6) (Peel away Ads)

AdToll is a CPC or cost-per-click alternative to Google Adsense. They offer a wide range of both payment options and advertising formats. One of their options includes Peel-Away ads similar to the first one that I mentioned at the top of this post, but served by AdToll.

I’ve noticed that the Page Peel ads get a lot of traffic, so they can really earn you some good cash in addition to the other ads that you can place on your site. Go ahead and give AdToll a try, and let me know how it goes for you in the comments below!

7) (Exit Ads)

Now here is something very unique and specialized. Exit Junction can be used along side all the other Ad Networks (including Google Adsense), but what they do is essentially interrupt the browser’s natural “Back” button to place ads inbetween your site and the search engine for customers who came from the search engine and are just looking to go back.

So, what I mean is, the visitors who were leaving your site anyway, will be shown ads and you get one last bite at the apple to generate revenue before they go. Although this is a great Google Adsense competitor, it’s also a great compliment to existing Google ads and it won’t interfere with them at all.

In all fairness though, I do have some concerns about Exit Junction. They are not forthcoming about exactly how the revenue is earned, plus they take a long time to pay out revenue. This leads me to believe they are keeping a much bigger slice of the pie than their competitors. I did have a conversation via email with someone over there (they responded to me anonymously) as follows:

Hi guys. Just signed up and installed the code today on my site as a test for an article I’m writing on my blog ( We’ll see how it does on the site and whether I keep it, but in the meantime can you please explain the revenue model to me? Although I added the code I don’t see anything anywhere on the site explaining where the ads come from, what the rev share is, or anything like that. I can send a lot of folks your way, but I have to have some idea of what to advise them the CMP or CPC or whatever it is, is going to net them for adding these ads.

Also, out of curiosity, why does it take so long to send payment for the ads? Nowdays even 30 days is pretty long. But it looks like you guys are pushing 60 days and beyond. That is a long time to ask people to wait for commission checks.

Looking forward to your reply.


John P.

We usually send payments net45 but but we say 60 just in case. With our ads most people are earning around $2/cpm but its not for all your traffic and only traffic from search engines get monetized.

So, that answer was pretty unsatisfying for me, but on the right I’ve attached a screen shot of the stats they are gathering and it is indeed working and generating a little money on the site. You do need a lot of search traffic for this tool to matter though.

Exit junction also covers all countries so go ahead and follow this link to signup.  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!

8) (Popups for Search Visitors)

Ok, all that stuff I just said about ExitJunction? Same thing with ValuePopUp, except that what it does is show popup ads to search engine visitors. So, it’s another method of placing ads on your site that only search visitors will see, which is always a good thing.

It comes from the same company that does ExitJunction, so the same lack of information applies. But if you are in the mood to show popup ads, I can’t come up with any reason not to give them the benefit of the doubt and at least try them on the site for a while to see if it makes more money for your website.


So, that’s about it for now. It should give you a wide variety of alternatives to choose from, and I hope you’ll let me know if you give some of these a try! By the way, a few of the links on this page are actually affiliate links because I’d like to see what happens from those. So if you don’t mind, follow them when you sign up so I can report back later and tell everyone if referring people is even worth it.

Top 20 Plugins To Extend WordPress CMS Capabilities

WordPress 3.0 greatly expands the basic CMS capabilities of WordPress with custom post types and better navigation menus. However, there are a great deal of new plugins available to address the many other aspects of WordPress that can make it confusing for clients and new users. We’ve examined a number of excellent plugins and listed the best here so that you don’t have to spend hours hunting through the WordPress repository.

With a few added tweaks you can bend WordPress into a fully customized CMS for your site. This is a hand-picked list of recently updated plugins that will make WordPress easier to use, minimize functionality that is unnecessary for your site, and speed up content publishing. Many of these have already been updated for WP 3.0. Grab a few of these plugins and open up WordPress’ full capabilities as a powerful CMS. In no particular order:

1. Simple Fields

Simple Fields acts as a replacement to custom fields and adds textboxes, text areas, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, and a file browser to the post admin area to make it easier to use. It also adds the ability to group fields together into logical, reusable groups.

Download Plugin

2. Content Sort

This plugin adds a grid under “Posts” in the admin where you can use drag drop to sort posts published on the first page, which gives you more control over posts without having to write complicated custom loops.

Download Plugin

3. CMS Tree Page View

This plugin adds a CMS-like tree overview of all your pages to WordPress – like the view often found in a page-focused CMS. Within this page tree you can edit pages, view pages, add pages, search pages, and drag and drop pages to rearrange the order.

Download Plugin

4. White Label CMS

This is a great plugin, recently featured on our blog, that will help you fully brand WordPress as your own CMS and edit the navigation menus and dashboard to suit your site’s needs.

Download Plugin

5. CMS

A collection of plugins to make WordPress feel more like a CMS. It has some small adjustments and some bigger ones. Also includes some other plugins I’ve made like Multiple content blocks, Page manager and a FAQ plugin.

Download Plugin

6. CMS Dashboard

This plug-in creates a dashboard widget with clearly labeled large buttons of the most common tasks one would perform when using wordpress as a content management system. This helps new WordPress users get to where they want to go much more quickly than hunting through the menu system.

Download Plugin

7. Dashboard Heaven

Dashboard Heaven offers Widget to User-level/role customisation so that you can control which user levels see which widget.

Download Plugin

8. CMS Press

CMS Press opens up the ability to create and manage custom content types and taxonomies for your WordPress site. It adds the flexibility to have more than just posts and pages for content by allowing the user to register their own post_types that can use their separate theming from the post and page template along with its own permalink structure.

Download Plugin

9. Front Page Category

This plugin lets you easily choose posts in one or more categories to appear on the front page. You can exclude any categories so that they show up only in the archive pages and not on the front page.

Download Plugin

10. Multiple Content Blocks

With this plug-in you can use more than one content “block” on a template. You only have to insert one tag inside the template, so its easy to use. It allows you to specify content blocks on your pages that can be easily edited by clients.

Download Plugin

11. Pods CMS

Pods is a CMS framework for WordPress. It works with WordPress and allows you to easily add and display your own content types, among a host of other handy features.

Download Plugin

12. Menus Plus+

Create multiple customized menus with pages, posts, categories, and URLS. For CMS applications of WordPress, organizing a menu list can be a pain; this makes it easier. Drag and drop to order them as you like.

Download Plugin

13. Inline Editor

Adds the capacity to edit your content from the front end of your WordPress blog using the styling of your blog.

Download Plugin

14. Flutter

Flutter is a feature rich WordPress CMS plugin that focuses on easy templating for the developer and simplifies content management for the admin by creating custom write panels that can be fully customized (radio buttons, file uploads, image uploads, checkboxes, etc).

Download Plugin

15. WP-CMS Post Control

Post Control gives you complete control over your write options for every user level/role. It not only allows you to hides unwanted items like custom fields, trackbacks, revisions etc. but also gives you a whole lot more control over how WordPress deals with creating content.

Download Plugin

16. Core Tweaks WordPress Setup

This plug-in completely automates the proper setup of your WordPress blog for search engine optimization. Almost everything is covered, from changing the permalink structure to deleting the Hello World sample post and comment, and all the options are accessible from one single page.

Download Plugin

17. Blog-in-Blog

Blog-in-Blog allows you to use the WordPress platform more as a CMS system, but still have a blog page on your site. Posts in a specific category can be used to feed the ‘special’ blog page, and can optionally be hidden from the home page. You can have more than one category hidden from the homepage, and subsequently more than one page full of posts.

Download Plugin

18. Magic Fields

Magic Fields is a WordPress CMS plugin, focuses in simplifies content management for the admin creating custom write panels.

Download Plugin

19. Edit Flow

As recently featured on our blog, the Edit Flow plugin improves the WordPress Admin interface for a multi-user newsroom’s editorial workflow with custom post statuses, post metadata and editorial commenting, and user groups.

Download Plugin

20. MultiEdit

This plugin allows you to create multiple editable content blocks on page templates. It uses custom fields to create simple tinyMCE editable regions on page templates.

Download Plugin

Top 20 Social Bookmaking Plugins for WordPress – Share your Posts

There are many, many Social Bookmarking options available for WordPress, I have tried to sift through as many as I could to give you the best 20.
My favorite is Sociable, which I use on this site. That is not to say it is the best, the idea is to find the plugin that best fits into the theme and style of your site.
I hope these help.


WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: Sociable is a plugin which adds social media buttons to your posts, and does so easily, and beautifully.
Note: This is the plugin I use for
Download: Sociable WP Plugin Download.


WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: ShareThis makes a WordPress plugin that provides an unobtrusive way for your visitors to post your site content to various social bookmarking sites, or send a link via e-mail & other communication channels (like Facebook and MySpace) to a friend.
Download: ShareThis WP Plugin Download.

Add to Any Share/Save/Bookmark Button

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: Helps readers share, save, and bookmark your posts and pages using any service, such as Delicious, Digg, Facebook, MySpace, and all the rest. The button comes with Add to Any’s customizable Smart Menu, which places the services visitors use at the top of the menu, based on each visitor’s browsing history.
Download: Add to Any WP Plugin Download.


Description: obsocialbookmarker is a social bookmarking plugin which adds user-submission links at the bottom of each post for various social bookmarking sites which allows your visitors to easily submit them in a number of social bookmarking sites.
Download: obsocialbookmarker WP Plugin Download.

I Love Social Bookmarking

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: I Love Social Bookmarking is a simple WordPress plugin that allows your readers to submit your content to social media services via a clutter-free drop-down list of attractive icons.
Download: I Love Social Bookmarking WP Plugin Download.

Bookmark Me

Description: A simple and light plugin to add social bookmarks buttons to post and pages. I’m focusing in collecting non-english bookmarks services.
Download: Bookmark Me WP Plugin Download.

Social Bookmarks Plugin

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: Social Bookmarks is a WordPress plugin that adds a list of XHTML compliant graphic links at the end of your posts that allow your visitors to easily submit them in a number of different social bookmarking sites. It features an AJAX front-end interface.
Download: Social Bookmarks WP Plugin Download.

Tell a Friend

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: FreeTellaFriend is a free service to allow your visitors to share your website with their friends using a click of a button. Once you placed our button on your pages, your visitors can click the button and start sharing. It’s much quicker than the traditional way.
Download: Tell a Friend WP Plugin Download.


WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: A really simple plugin that will add bookmark links of, Digg it, Slashdot, RawSugar, Yahoo! MyWeb, and many other links to your wordpress. You can decide which bookmark services you want to show and in what order. You also can define, a own iconset.
Download: SociBook WP Plugin Download.


WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: The Social Media Marketing Plugin that lets you put social bookmarking links in your posts and other pages. Help your readers promote your blog and watch your traffic grow.
Download: Bookmarkify WP Plugin Download.


WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: Icons for major Social Bookmarking websites: Digg, Reddit,, dzone, stumbleupon, blinklist, blogmarks, furl, newsvine, technorati, magnolia, google, myspace, facebook, yahoo buzz. More to be added in the next versions. -”mac effect” – when the mouse is over the icons they grow. -Administration Panel to select only the desired Social Bookmarking sites.
Download: SocioFluid WP Plugin Download.

Hocus Pocus Buttons

Description: Hocus Pocus Buttons is a WordPress-Plugin that provides sidebar widget with a widerange set of buttons for social bookmarking websites. However each button is only visible to the user if he has visited the corresponding site lately.
The goal is not to disturb the user by using too many buttons / links (since he could probably only use one or two at all) and rather only show relevant services.
Download: Hocus Pocus Buttons WP Plugin Download.

17fav Bookmark and Share

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: 17fav Bookmark & Share WordPress plugin allows users to add your post to many social bookmarking and share sites.
Download: 17fav Bookmark and Share WP Plugin Download.

KnxDT Bookmarks

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: With this plugin you can send and share your favorites posts (your readers can do this too) to popular social bookmarking services like Digg, Meneame, Delicious, Technorati, Yahoo, Google, etc.
This plugin adds an friendly bar at the bottom of your posts, it means that is only visible when you are in a single post page, and it works like this because the page could turn slow if you have many posts in the main page (that means, higher loading time for the images).
Download: KnxDT Bookmarks WP Plugin Download.


WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: Gregarious is a social bookmarking plugin that integrates the new Digg API and Alex King’s Share This plugin, as well as the Reddit button and Feedburner’s Feedflare into one powerful, easy to use package. The AJAX interface makes customization a breeze, and the options put you in control. Gregarious works on a module based system, which means that it can have as many or as little features as you like.
Download: Gregarious WP Plugin Download.

Hey Social

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: Hey Social is the coolest way to interact with the visitors of your blog, so that they can submit your posts and pages to the most famous Social services, such as Digg, Twitter, and so on.
Download: Hey Social WP Plugin Download.

Social Bookmarking RELOADED

Description: Social Bookmarking RELOADED – Add the social bookmarks services’s icons to your articles in your blogs in order to submit them easily. Plugin based on Apostolos Dountsis one.
Download: Social Bookmarking RELOADED WP Plugin Download.

Social Dropdown

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: This plugin displays several social bookmarking options in a dropdown. Unlike other social bookmarking displays, this does not cause clutter.
Download: Social Dropdown WP Plugin Download.

Social Links

WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: Social Links is a sidebar widget that displays icon links to your profile pages on other social networking sites.
Download: Social Links WP Plugin Download.


WordPress Social Bookmarking PluginsDescription: This plugin is for bookmarking your post into stumble,technorati, digg and delicious. You have to do nothing but just activate the plugin. It automatically add the bookmarking options just below to your posts.
Download: addtothis WP Plugin Download.

Memanfaatkan Error 404

Error 404 adalah kode error yang otomatis muncul ketika halaman / konten tidak ditemukan. Bagi sebagian netter, ketika sudah menemui kode error 404 maka biasanya mereka berasumsi bahwa kontent yang dicari sudah tidak ada. Nah, bagaimana jika ternyata konten tersebut hanya berpindah alamat / url? tentunya kerugian bagi pemilik website dan netter tersebut.

Si pemilik website kehilangan trafik dari kontentnya, si netter kecewa karena merasa kontent yang dicari tidak ditemukan. Ada beberapa cara untuk meminimalisir si netter agar memiliki harapan bahwa kontent yang dicari masih ada. Disatu sisi cara ini juga akan membantu pemilik website agar tidak kehilangan trafik dari time to stay pengunjung.

Memodifikasi redirect dari error 404 adalah salah satu cara yang cukup efektif guna meminimalisir kerugian tadi. Berikut ini adalah beberapa cara untuk melakukan redirect dari halaman error 404.

Javascript Redirect
Ya dengan memasukan kode sederhana dari redirect java script ke halaman yang kita rasa efektif untuk memancing minat pengunjung. Berikut adalah contohnya:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "http://www.websiteanda/"

<a href=”http://websiteanda”>click disini jika halaman tidak berpindah</a>

Kenapa ada tambahan click disini jika halaman tidak berpindah ini semata untuk menjaga – jaga siapa tahu browser pengunjung tidak mengaktifkan javascript.

PHP Redirect
Jika halaman error 404 anda adalah ber-format PHP, maka PHP redirect ini sangat efektif, karena sudah pasti semua browser support. Berikut adalah contoh kodenya:

header ("Location: url");

Redirect Melalui .htacess / htaccess.txt
Ini adalah pilihan yang bagus, karena efeknya akan terasa secara global hingga ke subdomain yang kita miliki. Berikut adalah line yang harus ditambahkan pada file .htaccess / htacess.txt kita:

ErrorDocument 404 /http://www.websiteanda/

Nah setidaknya 3 cara diatas dapat kita manfaatkan. Namun khusus untuk pengaturan di website yang menggunakan Content Management System seperti wordpress, joomla dan lainnya, biasanya sudah diatur untuk halaman 404. Jika demikian maka tinggal kita masukan saja salah satu dari 2 kode pertama diatas tadi (Javascript atau PHP) kedalam halaman default 404-nya.

Kemana sebaiknya di arahkan?
Semua terserah pada anda, namun umumnya banyak yang mengarahkan ke halaman depan website, bahkan ada juga yang mengarahkan ke halaman pendaftaran membership websitenya dengan harapan si netter akan menyangka bahwa untuk melihat kontent yang dimaksud harus melakukan pendaftaran dulu.

Ada juga yang “kreatif” dengan menempatkan pre-direct berupa halaman iklan dan disertai pesan untuk menuju halaman. Dengan demikian maka pendapatan iklan bertambah melalui halaman 404 :D . Jika diinginkan bisa juga untuk mendongkrak trafik website anda lainnya, yaitu dengan redirect ke website anda yang lain, yang ingin anda dongkrak trafiknya.

Diluar pertimbangan etika dan lainnya, potensi trafik halaman error 404 bisa dibilang lumayan, apalagi bagi yang baru bermigrasi CMS, atau merombak websitenya.

Free WordPress Magazine Themes 2010

Free WordPress Magazine Themes 2010. Bagi pengguna wordpress yang menginginkan tampilan situsnya seperti portal berita atau magazine, disini saya punya satu themes wordpress yang cocok dari ThemeJunkie.

Free WordPress Magazine Themes 2010

Free WordPress Magazine Themes 2010

Kenapa saya memberi judul “Free WordPress Magazine Themes 2010″ ? karena saya pikir ini wordpress themes magazine paling simple dan mantap untuk dipakai. Ada banyak kelebihan dari themes magazine ini salah satunya themes wordpress seo friendly dari magazine wordpress themes ini memang sudah saya buktikan.

Weekly Theme features

* Advanced Theme Control Panel
* Auto-sized Thumbnail Management
* Text/Image Logo Switcher
* Fully Widgeted Sidebars
* Advertisement Management
* Localization Ready
* Analytics/Stat Management
* Built-in FeedBurner Support
* Threaded Comments
* Gravatar Ready
* Custom Page Templates
* Custom Widgets
* Dropdown Menu Navigation
* WordPress 3.0+ Compatible
* Cross-Browsers Compatibility
* Forum Support
* Lifetime Upgrade


Download Weekly V1.0.1 (285.94 KB)

10 Situs Web Hosting terbaik

10 Web Hosting di bawah ini dinilai berdasarkan harga, server up-time, ketahanan dan kemampuan, kemudahan dalam penggunaan, control panel serta costumer support nya.

1. BlueHost

10 situs web hosting   terbaik


  • Price : $3.95
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  • Up Time : 99.99%

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Cara export dan import postingan blog blogger

Karena lagi males nih untuk mengelola terlalu banyak blog akhirnnya terpaksa deh postingan di blog saya yang lain saya pindahkan ke blog ini, karena baru saja melakukan pemindahan artikel postingan jadi tidak ada salahnya saya membuat artikel tentang bagaimana cara memindahkan postingan di blogger blogspot dengan menggunakan fasilitas export dan import yang telah di sediakan oleh blogger sendiri, oh ya fasilitas ini juga tidak hanya memindahkan postingan nya saja tetapi juga memindahkan label serta komentar yang ada di artikel tersebut.

Yah itulah fasilitas yang di sediakan oleh blogger (export import ) yang akan kita gunakan untuk memindahkan atikel postingan dari blog yang satu ke blog yang lain. Untuk memindahkan postingan sangat gampang.

Untuk blog yang akan di export artikelnya :
1. Masuk ke account blogger sobat yang ingin di pindahkan datanya,
2. Pilih Pengaturan > Dasar, pada Alat Blog akan ada pilihan Impor blog – Ekspor blog
3. Pilih export blog dan selanjutnya ikuti saja langkah-langkah yang di perintahkan.

Untuk blog yang akan di import artikelnya :
1. Masuk ke account blogger sobat yang ingin di masukkan (import) postingan yang telah di export dari blog sobat yang lain tadi,
2. Pilih Pengaturan > Dasar, pada Alat Blog
3. Pilih import blog dan selanjutnya ikuti lagi langkah-langkah yang di di perintahkan.

Cara Membuat Widget Kotak Iklan

Tutorial untuk Cara Membuat Kotak Iklan (Banner Box) sebenarnya sudah perna di ulas di blognya O-OM, Namun karena saya barusan saja memasang widget kotak iklan di blog Komputer Teknologi ini yah jadinya tidak ada salahnya saya menulisnya dalam bentuk artikel, itung-itung untuk save tutorial biar tidak lupa nantinya, tidak menutup kemungkin kedepan kalau buat blog baru dan ingin pasang widget kotak iklan bisa buka-buka lagi deh nih tutorial.

Untuk contoh Kotak Iklan bisa lihat pada blog ini sendiri yang widgetnya saya beri nama dengan Sponsor Komputer Teknologi, biasalah persiapan untuk pasang banner dengan ukuran 125 x 125, yah dari pada lama-lama ceritanya entar pada kabur semua jadi langsung saja yah!

Cara Membuat Widget Kotak Iklan (Banner 125 x 125)

  1. Masuk pada halaman Edit HTML di blogger sobat, lalu cari kode <b:skin><![CDATA[ dan letakkan kode CSS berikut tepat di bawah kode <b:skin><![CDATA[
  2. #Box-Banner-ads {

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 5px;

    text-align: center;


    #Box-Banner-ads img {

    margin: 0px 4px 4px 0px;

    padding: 3px;

    text-align: center;

    border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;


    #Box-Banner-ads img:hover {

    margin: 0px 4px 4px 0px;

    padding: 3px;

    text-align: center;

    border: 1px solid #333;


  3. Kalau sudah, jangan lupa untuk di Save,
  4. Selanjutnya tuju Elemen Halaman dan Tambah Gadget lalu pilih HTML/Javascript dan masukkan kode berikut
  5. <div id=”Box-Banner-ads”>

    <a target=”_blank” href=”“><img
    border=”0″ alt=”ads” src=”“/></a>
    <a target=”_blank” href=”“><img
    border=”0″ alt=”ads” src=”“/></a>
    <a target=”_blank” href=”“><img
    border=”0″ alt=”ads” src=”“/></a>
    <a target=”_blank” href=”“><img
    border=”0″ alt=”ads” src=”“/></a>


Skrip diatas adalah contoh yang menampilkan empat jumlah banner iklan, jika ingin menampilkan banner lebih dari empat sobat sisa menambahkan kode tersebut

<a target=”_blank” href=”“><img
border=”0″ alt=”ads” src=”“/></a>

Untuk kode yang berwarna merah sobat ganti sesuai dengan alamat url iklan banner yang sobat pasang dan untuk yang berwarna biru adalah url gambar iklan,

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